Digital healthcare
saving doctors and dentists
time and money

Reduce Paperwork
Lower payment fees
Simplify appointment bookings

DHN Partners

Contact your provider to install the eConnector on your computers

DHN is a modern,
digital solution

DHN is a modern, digital solution from the AMMD

It aims to improve the lives of every doctor and citizen in Luxembourg.

The eConnector is a seamless extension to your healthcare administration software. It lets you send healthcare admin documents digitally and securely.

It works alongside a mobile app for citizens1, allowing them to pay your invoices, book appointments and securely share invoices, certificates and other health-related information.

1Available mid-2021

“The DHN eConnector is an important first step in digitising health administration in Luxembourg. From day one, patients will benefit from speedier reimbursement and soon I’ll have a lot less cost and paperwork in my business thanks to the other features in the service.”


Reduce the time you spend on paperwork
Your time should be spent helping people, not pushing paper
  • Sign and share documents from your computer in seconds
  • No more printing, folding, stamping and sending
  • Automatic audit trail in place for doctors to track every interaction with invoices, certificates, prescriptions and estimates


Hassle-free appointment booking
Easier for patients, easier for you
  • No more admin bottlenecks. Lets you
    and your staff focus on what matters
  • Provide available slots in your calendar for patients to choose from
  • Provisional bookings appear in your
    calendar to confirm, reject or reschedule


Lower the cost of processing payments
Payments made within
  • Save on credit card handling fees
  • Fewer cash payments means less risk
    of fraud and less admin

Sound good?

The eConnector is available to all doctors in Luxembourg.

It’s quick and easy to install and operate.

You’ll be notified once it has been installed by your software provider. Follow a few simple steps to enrol and you’ll be up and running!